Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 3

  I am surprised I feel as good as I do. I'm going to take advantage of it though, while it lasts. Actually, I hope I am one of the ones that beats the odds and has minimal side effects, but even if I don't and things do get worse I will deal with each side effect as it comes. So far the medication I have been given has been taking care of the nausea pretty well. This morning was the worst for me so far, I didn't think I was going to be able to swallow my anti-nausea pill. But I did and was able to eat my yogurt and 1/2 PB&J.

  Speaking of food, I found out today that I have to try my best to not lose any weight (WTH?!?!). I thought that this would be the only pleasant side-effect I would get! But my nurse explained to me that the chemo amount and mixture is based on kilograms, so if I start losing a lot of weight, I will be getting less chemo but still have the same amount of cancer cells. Kind of a catch 22. While researching this little dilemma I found out that weight gain is also a side effect because of all the steroids I will be getting! Exercise is also important during chemo, so Gary and I have been going for walks around the block, or (since its raining today) I did 20 minutes on the Wii. I am exhausted, but at least I got that exercise in...yeah I know 20 mins isn't a lot but when I have at least 2-3 liters of poisonous chemicals in my body, that's about all I can handle.

  Things got a little scary in the chemo room today, an older gentleman was getting his chemo and after being started on a very low dose he started to get Rigors (intense shaking and cold feeling) the nurse and Dr took great care of him during this time and called the paramedics. But it broke my heart to hear him go through that. It also made things very real, I realize that I have been very lucky so far not to suffer any dramatic side effects, but it can change, depending on the day and how my body is coping. Another woman who was sitting next to me, had to go home because her platelet levels were too low, she can't have chemo until next week if her levels are OK. I quickly researched on how to keep my platelet levels up, other than eating whole foods there isn't much I can do. So I hope I'm getting enough nutrients in, I guess I need to research what kind of nutrients I'm getting in peanut butter crackers!

  We found out today that I have to pay a co-pay every time I go in for treatment or see the Dr. we weren't expecting this, but we will manage.

  Gary and I went to buy food for the boys, it makes me a little sad that my kiddos (dogs) are staying away from me, I wonder if I smell different to them, or if they just sense that I cant really touch them too much? When we got home I made the bed, tea, and cleaned out the fridge (not well, but just threw away old food). Now I'm just resting. I am tired but ancy (a steroid side effect).

  Blessing for the day: Love, its all around us. I can feel it with every ones phone calls, heart felt messages, and encouragement. Thank you.


Gary and Samantha said...

Just wanted to let you know that the Dr did come in and let us know that the gentleman that had to be taken to the hospital was ok.

megankremer said...

i'm glad he was ok :) That's interesting about the dogs.. I bet you do smell different to them and they aren't sure what to think. Animals are funny like that :) Glad you are feeling good still! Keep eating good food and drinking lotsa water. Hugs!!

Courtney Ekman said...

I love you Sam. (Hugs). I'm crossing my fingers, legs, and toes that you are one of the lucky ones who only has to deal with minor side effects.

Courtney Ekman said...

(I'm sorry. I'm lame. "Lucky" being relative).

Gary and Samantha said...

Meg, I miss my boys coming to love on me. But they really stink to me now, even after Gary has bathed them, so we just might have to take a break from each other.

Court, you are not lame, I am lucky so far :)