Tuesday, March 6, 2012

100th Post!

I never thought I would have 100 things to write about but I just noticed that this will be post 100. Woot Woot!

I just wanted to give a little update for the two people that read our blog.

was a hard month for me. My headaches would not go away no matter what I took or did. My incisions were oozy and hurt all the time. I finally faced the fact that I would never ever be able to bring a baby to this world, it was hard but not as hard as I thought it would be. I'm actually surprised I did/am taking it so well. When I told my Dr. that I wasn't as sad as I thought I would be she said "with as much trouble as your ovaries have given you I wouldn't miss them either" well said Dr. Beck! I still can't handle baby showers or brand new babies well. I do try to put on a brave face though. I really am happy for all my friends and family that have or are having babies, it's just hard for me to wonder "what if". Mrs. R posted a link to a blog where someone writes about infertility and its so true, its a wonderfully written piece. It's called Be Gentle, I hope you will read it. Oh, and I did get a Kindle Fire for Valentines day - I love it!

I did some digging about adopting through LDSFS . I thought we had to wait 2+ years before being able to adopt, but I asked a blogger {Thank you Mrs. R.} about it (since she has experience with LDSFS) and she said she thought that they would accept us. So I called the local office and the receptionist said that as long as my Dr thinks I am OK, then we shouldn't have a problem being accepted.

We have our first interview March 8th at 6 p.m. !!!
Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Amber said...

I hope to someday throw a baby shower for you. I pray that a child will be part of your family. Big hug to you. <3 Amber